Why we use Small Hurdles for Rugby Training

Coaching and the Use of Hurdles for training Rugby is a sport that requires a great deal of physical and mental strength. It is a game that requires players to be agile, strong, and have good technique. Over 40 Years of coaching I have maintained a set of sports hurdles some 20 in all ranging […]


Coaching and the Use of Hurdles for training

Rugby is a sport that requires a great deal of physical and mental strength. It is a game that requires players to be agile, strong, and have good technique. Over 40 Years of coaching I have maintained a set of sports hurdles some 20 in all ranging from 6 Inch to the 12 inch sizes. We use them weekly and specifically pre-season training.

We must understand that in order to be successful, players must be able to react quickly and accurately to the ever-changing situation on the field. To help players develop these skills, coaches often use small hurdles in rugby training.

Small hurdles can be used to help players develop their agility, speed, and coordination. By having players jump over small hurdles, they can learn how to move quickly and accurately while maintaining their balance. This is important for rugby players as they must be able to react quickly to the changing situation on the field.

Sports Agility Hurdle for Sports Training,

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Small hurdles  6inch, 9 inch or 12 inch can also help players develop their footwork and technique. By having players jump over small hurdles, they can learn how to move their feet quickly and accurately while maintaining their balance. Small hurdles can also be used to help players develop their strength and power.

By having players jump over small hurdles, they can learn how to generate power and explosiveness. This is important for rugby players as they must be able to generate power and explosiveness in order to be successful on the field. Small hurdles can also be used to help players develop their mental strength.

By having players jump over small hurdles, they can learn how to focus on the task at hand and stay focused despite distractions. This is important for rugby players as they must be able to stay focused and react quickly to the ever-changing situation on the field. Small hurdles can also be used to help players develop their endurance.

Sports Agility Hurdle for Sports Training,

By having players jump over small hurdles, they can learn how to maintain their energy and stamina over the course of a game. This is important for rugby players as they must be able to maintain their energy and stamina in order to be successful on the field. Overall, small hurdles are an important tool for rugby training.

They can help players develop their agility, speed, coordination, footwork, technique, strength, power, mental strength, and endurance.

By having players jump over small hurdles, they can learn how to move quickly and accurately while maintaining their balance, generate power and explosiveness, stay focused despite distractions, and maintain their energy and stamina over the course of a game. All of these skills are essential for rugby players in order to be successful on the field.

https://therugbystore.com.au/why-we-use-small-hurdles-for-rugby-training/?feed_id=10853&_unique_id=64fc98a7515fd Why we use Small Hurdles for Rugby Training

Using Marker Cones for Skills Training in Sport

I hate Marker Cones – The story of my Life as a Coach Marker cones are a staple of rugby training and are used for a variety of drills and exercises. They are an essential tool for coaches and players alike, as they provide a visual aid for players to focus on and help them […]


I hate Marker Cones – The story of my Life as a Coach

Marker cones are a staple of rugby training and are used for a variety of drills and exercises. They are an essential tool for coaches and players alike, as they provide a visual aid for players to focus on and help them to develop their skills. Marker cones are used in rugby training for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, they are used to mark out the playing area. This is important for ensuring that players stay within the boundaries of the pitch and do not stray too far from the action. Marker cones also help to create a visual reference point for players to focus on when running drills.

This helps to keep players focused and on task, as they can easily identify the area they need to be in. Marker cones are also used to create specific drills and exercises. For example, they can be used to create a slalom course for players to run through. This helps to improve agility and coordination, as players must navigate their way through the cones without knocking them over.

Note: Cone for less than a dollar is a good deal

Markers Disc with Net Bag, Pro Disc Cones for Training1  Markers Disc with Net Bag, Pro Disc Cones for Training1

Marker discs can also be used to create a grid for players to practice passing and catching. This helps to improve accuracy and hand-eye coordination, as players must accurately pass and catch the ball within the confines of the grid. Marker cones are also used to create specific drills and exercises.


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For example, they can be used to create a slalom course for players to run through. This helps to improve agility and coordination, as players must navigate their way through the cones without knocking them over. Marker cones can also be used to create a grid for players to practice passing and catching. This helps to improve accuracy and hand-eye coordination, as players must accurately pass and catch the ball within the confines of the grid.

Finally, marker cones are used to create specific drills and exercises. For example, they can be used to create a slalom course for players to run through. This helps to improve agility and coordination, as players must navigate their way through the cones without knocking them over.

Markers Disc with Net Bag, Pro Disc Cones for Training1

Marker discs can also be used to create a grid for players to practice passing and catching. This helps to improve accuracy and hand-eye coordination, as players must accurately pass and catch the ball within the confines of the grid. In conclusion, marker cones are an essential tool for rugby training.

They provide a visual aid for players to focus on and help them to develop their skills. They are used to mark out the playing area, create specific drills and exercises, and create a grid for players to practice passing and catching.

Marker cones are an invaluable tool for coaches and players alike, as they help to improve agility, coordination, accuracy, and hand-eye coordination.

https://therugbystore.com.au/using-marker-cones-for-skills-training-in-sport/?feed_id=10813&_unique_id=64f9f53a02793 Using Marker Cones for Skills Training in Sport

Why do we use agility poles for Rugby Training

Agility poles for Rugby Training Agility poles are an essential tool for athletes of all levels and sports. They are used to improve agility, coordination, balance, and speed. They can also be used to create drills and exercises that help athletes develop their skills. Agility poles are used to create drills that require quick changes […]


Agility poles for Rugby Training

Agility poles are an essential tool for athletes of all levels and sports. They are used to improve agility, coordination, balance, and speed. They can also be used to create drills and exercises that help athletes develop their skills. Agility poles are used to create drills that require quick changes in direction.
This helps athletes develop their agility, coordination, and balance. By having to quickly change direction, athletes are forced to move their feet quickly and accurately.
This helps them become more agile and coordinated. It also helps them develop their balance, as they must be able to quickly adjust their body to the changing direction of the poles. Agility poles can also be used to create drills that require athletes to move quickly and accurately.
Agility Poles for Rugby Agility Poles for Rugby Agility Poles for Rugby
This also helps them develop their speed and power. By having to move quickly and accurately, athletes are forced to use their muscles in a more efficient manner. This helps them develop their speed and power. Agility poles can also be used to create drills that require athletes to move in a specific pattern.
This aids them in developing  their coordination and timing. By having to move in a specific pattern, athletes are forced to use their muscles in a more efficient manner. Which helps them develop their coordination and timing.
Agility poles can also be used to create drills that require athletes to move in a specific pattern while also having to react to a stimulus. This helps them develop their reaction time. By having to react quickly to a stimulus, athletes are forced to use their muscles in a more efficient manner.
his helps them develop their reaction time. Agility poles can also be used to create drills that require athletes to move in a specific pattern while also having to react to a stimulus and maintain their balance. This helps them develop their balance and coordination. By having to react quickly to a stimulus and maintain their balance, athletes are forced to use their muscles in a more efficient manner.
This helps them develop their balance and coordination. Overall, agility poles are an essential tool for athletes of all levels and sports. They are used to create drills and exercises that help athletes develop their agility, coordination, balance, speed, and reaction time. By having to quickly change direction, move quickly and accurately, move in a specific pattern, and react to a stimulus, athletes are forced to use their muscles in a more efficient manner. This helps them become better athletes and reach their goals.

https://therugbystore.com.au/why-do-we-use-agility-poles-for-rugby-training/?feed_id=10773&_unique_id=64f75230d13f4 Why do we use agility poles for Rugby Training

Using Agility ladders for Rugby Union Training

Coaching the Pack on Agility and the Use of Feet into contact Agility Ladders are an essential tool for agility training, as they help to improve coordination, balance, and speed. They are also a great way to challenge yourself and push your body to its limits. Agility training is a type of physical exercise that […]


Coaching the Pack on Agility and the Use of Feet into contact

Agility Ladders are an essential tool for agility training, as they help to improve coordination, balance, and speed. They are also a great way to challenge yourself and push your body to its limits.
Agility training is a type of physical exercise that focuses on improving coordination, balance, and speed. It is often used by athletes to improve their performance in sports, but it can also be used by anyone looking to improve their overall fitness.
Agility training involves a variety of exercises, such as running, jumping, and climbing. Ladders are a great tool for agility training because they provide a safe and effective way to challenge yourself and push your body to its limits.
Amazon Basics Nylon Agility Workout Training Ladder  Amazon Basics Nylon Agility Workout Training Ladder
Ladders are a great way to improve coordination and balance. When using a ladder, you must be aware of your body’s position and movements in order to move up and down the ladder safely. This requires you to use your core muscles to maintain balance and control your movements.
This type of coordination and balance training can help improve your overall agility and performance in sports. Ladders are also a great way to improve speed. When using a ladder, you must move quickly and efficiently in order to reach the top. This requires you to use your leg muscles to propel yourself up the ladder and your arms to help you maintain balance.
This type of speed training can help you become faster and more agile in sports. Ladders are also a great way to challenge yourself and push your body to its limits. When using a ladder, you must be aware of your body’s position and movements in order to move up and down the ladder safely.
Amazon Basics Nylon Agility Workout Training Ladder
This requires you to use your core muscles to maintain balance and control your movements. This type of challenge can help you become stronger and more agile. Overall, ladders are an essential tool for agility training. They provide a safe and effective way to improve coordination, balance, and speed. They are also a great way to challenge yourself and push your body to its limits.
If you are looking to improve your agility , your use of feet into the contact area and overall performance in sports, then using  agility ladders are a great way to do so.

https://therugbystore.com.au/using-agility-ladders-for-rugby-union-training/?feed_id=10682&_unique_id=64f4d24d044ec Using Agility ladders for Rugby Union Training

Why we Use Parachutes for Speed Training in Rugby

Parachutes are an essential tool for speed training, Parachutes are essential for speed training in Rugby union as they help


Parachutes are an essential tool for speed training,

Parachutes are essential for speed training in Rugby union as they help athletes to increase their speed and power.

By using a parachute, athletes can increase their acceleration, top speed, and overall performance. Parachutes are also used to help athletes build strength and endurance, as well as improve their technique. Parachutes are used to increase the resistance that athletes must overcome when running.

Running Speed Training with a Resistance Running Chute & Explosive Power Training

This resistance helps to build strength and power, as well as improve technique. The resistance created by the parachute also helps to increase the athlete’s acceleration, as they must work harder to overcome the resistance. This increased acceleration helps athletes to reach their top speed more quickly, which is essential for sprinting and other speed-based sports. Parachutes are also used to help athletes build endurance.


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By running with a parachute, athletes are able to increase their running time and distance. This increased endurance helps athletes to maintain their top speed for longer periods of time, which is essential for any speed-based sport. Parachutes are also used to help athletes improve their technique.

Uyomal Running Speed Training,Speed Chute Resistance Parachute

By running with a parachute, athletes are also able to focus on their form and technique, as they must work harder to overcome the resistance created by the parachute. This helps athletes to develop better running form, which can help them to become faster and more efficient runners.

Finally, parachutes are used to help athletes develop mental toughness. By running with a parachute, athletes are forced to push themselves to their limits, which can help them to develop a strong mental attitude. This mental toughness can help athletes to stay focused and motivated, even when the going gets tough.

In conclusion, parachutes are an essential tool for speed training, as they help athletes to increase their speed and power, build strength and endurance, improve their technique, and develop mental toughness. By using a parachute, athletes can become faster and more efficient runners, and reach their top speed more quickly.

Read More or Buy Now https://therugbystore.com.au/why-we-use-parchutes-for-speed-training-in-rugby/?feed_id=10261&_unique_id=64f0e3331c1d2 Why we Use Parachutes for Speed Training in Rugby

Why use Resistance Band Training in Rugby

A Comprehensive Guide to Resistance Band Training Resistance band training is a great way to get a full-body workout without


A Comprehensive Guide to Resistance Band Training

Resistance band training is a great way to get a full-body workout without the need for expensive gym equipment.

Resistance bands are lightweight, portable, and affordable, making them an ideal choice for those who want to stay fit on a budget.

Resistance bands are also versatile, allowing you to target specific muscle groups and work on balance and coordination. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll discuss the benefits of resistance band training, how to use them, and some of the best exercises to get you started.

Benefits of Resistance Band Training

Resistance band training offers a number of benefits for those looking to get fit. First, resistance bands are incredibly affordable, making them an ideal choice for those on a budget. They’re also lightweight and portable, meaning you can take them with you wherever you go. Resistance bands are also incredibly versatile, allowing you to target specific muscle groups and work on balance and coordination.

They can also be used to increase the intensity of bodyweight exercises, making them a great choice for those looking to take their workouts to the next level.

inally, resistance bands are great for rehabilitation and injury prevention. They can be used to strengthen weakened muscles and help you recover from an injury. They’re also great for stretching and improving flexibility.

How to Use Resistance Bands

Using resistance bands is relatively simple. First, you’ll need to choose the right band for your fitness level. Resistance bands come in a variety of strengths, from light to heavy.

It’s important to choose a band that’s appropriate for your fitness level. Once you’ve chosen the right band, you’ll need to secure it to a stable surface. This can be a door frame, a pole, or a sturdy piece of furniture.

Make sure the band is securely attached before you begin your workout. Finally, you’ll need to choose the right exercises for your fitness level.

Start with basic exercises and work your way up to more complex movements as you become more comfortable with the bands.

Best Resistance Band Exercises

There are a number of great exercises you can do with resistance bands. Here are some of the best exercises to get you started:

Bicep Curls:

Bicep curls are a great way to target your biceps and build strength. To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the band in both hands. Keep your elbows close to your body and curl the band up towards your shoulders.

Tricep Extensions:

Tricep extensions are a great way to target your triceps and build strength. To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the band in both hands. Keep your elbows close to your body and extend the band up towards the ceiling.

Chest Press:

Chest presses are a great way to target your chest and build strength. To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the band in both hands. Keep your elbows close to your body and press the band out in front of you.


Squats are a great way to target your legs and build strength. To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the band in both hands. Keep your back straight and lower yourself into a squat position.

Lateral Raises:

Lateral raises are a great way to target your shoulders and build strength. To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the band in both hands. Keep your elbows close to your body and raise the band out to the sides.

Conclusion on Resistance Band Training

Resistance band training is a great way to get a full-body workout without the need for expensive gym equipment.

As stated Resistance bands are lightweight, portable, and affordable, making them an ideal choice for those who want to stay fit on a budget.

They’re also incredibly versatile, allowing you to target specific muscle groups and work on balance and coordination. With the right exercises, you can get a great workout with resistance bands.

https://therugbystore.com.au/why-use-resistance-band-training-in-rugby/?feed_id=10221&_unique_id=64ee403219471 Why use Resistance Band Training in Rugby

Why we use Ice for Injury Rehabilitation and treatment

Ice is a common tool used in injury rehabilitation. It is used to reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and promote healing.


Ice is a common tool used in injury rehabilitation.

It is used to reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and promote healing. Ice can be used in a variety of ways, including ice packs, ice baths, and cold compresses.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of using ice in injury rehabilitation, how to use it safely, and when to seek medical attention.

Relief Expert Shoulder Ice Pack Rotator Cuff Cold Therapy for Injuries

The Benefits of Ice in Injury Rehabilitation

Ice is a great tool for injury rehabilitation because it can reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and promote healing. When ice is applied to an injured area, it causes the blood vessels to constrict, which reduces swelling and inflammation. This can help reduce pain and promote healing.

Ice can also help reduce muscle spasms, which can help reduce pain and improve mobility. Ice can also help reduce the risk of further injury.

When an area is swollen, it can be difficult to move the joint or muscle properly. Applying ice can help reduce swelling and make it easier to move the joint or muscle without further injury.

3 Reusable Hot & Cold Packs in 3 Sizes (6/9/11 inches)

How to Use Ice Safely When using ice for injury rehabilitation,

We must understand that it is important to use it safely. Ice should never be applied directly to the skin. Instead, it should be applied through a cloth or towel. This will help protect the skin from damage and prevent frostbite.

Ice should also be applied for no more than 20 minutes at a time. This will help prevent tissue damage and ensure that the ice is effective.

How long do we apply Ice for

After 20 minutes, the ice should be removed and the area should be allowed to rest for at least an hour before reapplying the ice.

In an ideal situation we should consider that using Ice Bags or Ice Packs that are now available to allow the injured limb to be restricted and in addittion to allow the injured person to move around when required.

When we follow the R.I.C.E.R Principle we should also understand the time limites that we need to use Ice for –


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A Rule of thumb is –

Day 1 – Ice for 20 minutes in every hour for the first day and where possible night – however do not leave the ice on while you are sleeping – simply try and elevate the injured area if possible

Day 2- Try to apply ice at least every 2 hrs or 3 hourly

Day 3 – We need to be icing every 6 hrs

Day 4 – by now we may need to start stretching the damaged area – applying ice after each stretching session to at least 20 min every 6 to 8 hrs (morning – afternoon and evening)

Day 5- After every stretching session or activity (whether that be walking, riding a bike, swimming etc) and at least 2 times a day

By now you need to be speaking to a professional if the injury is still restrictive – SEEK Help

3 Reusable Hot & Cold Packs in 3 Sizes (6/9/11 inches)

R.I.C.E.R stands for –

  • R = Remove yourself from the work area – rugby field – training area
  • I = Ice
  • C = Compression applied to the injured area – often the ice bags come with strapping that will allow that to happen
  • E = Elevate the injured area /Limb etc.
  • R= Recovery or seek professional help

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you are using ice for injury rehabilitation and you experience any of the following symptoms, you should seek medical attention: •

  • Severe pain • Swelling that does not improve after 24 hours •
  • Redness or discoloration of the skin •
  • Numbness or tingling •
  • Loss of mobility


Ice packs are a great tool for injury rehabilitation. It can help reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and promote healing. However, it is important to use it safely and seek medical attention if any of the above symptoms occur. With proper use, ice can be an effective tool for injury rehabilitation.

ICE PACKS REVIEW https://therugbystore.com.au/why-we-use-ice-for-injury-rehabilitation-and-treatment/?feed_id=10181&_unique_id=64eb9d32d9b59 Why we use Ice for Injury Rehabilitation and treatment

Ice Bags for Injury and Rehabilitation Review

Ice Bags for Injury and Rehabilitation The aim of all ice bags and Ice Packs is to relieve your aches


Ice Bags for Injury and Rehabilitation

The aim of all ice bags and Ice Packs is to relieve your aches and pains at the same time reduce swelling and prevent further bleeding internally into the wound or bruise area . With these Elitehood Ice Packs: Ice Bag/Pack they should be treated as a first-aid essential in life, it can help you relieve from all kinds of arches and pains and recover outside of sport. Carrying one of these and the applicator should be mandatory for all contact sports players of all ages .

3 SIZE DESIGN FOR DIFFERENT REQUIREMENTS – Small 6” and medium 9” for teens, large 11” for adults. These are a must-have product for rugby union and rugby league especially with the injuries, pain relief, muscle aches that occur at all levels within the game.

Relief Expert Shoulder Ice Pack Rotator Cuff Cold Therapy for Injuries

HANDSFREE ICE BAG PACK – A compress wrap would help to hold the ice bags, being more stable and versatile support full body.

EASY TO USE AS HOT & COLD THERAPY – For cold therapy, simply fill the ice bag two third full with ice and water to relieve discomfort from headaches, bruises, migraines, muscle aches and swelling. For heat therapy, add hot water (not boiling) to help soothe an upset stomach, migraine, sinus and joint pain.

SAFE & WATERPROOF – With Leak-resistant Design, dacron Textile ensures the water to stay cold or hot much longer. And being easy to carry and use everywhere.

RELIEVE PAIN AND SORENESS – The ice bag packs are ideal for application of cold therapy to help reduce pain and swelling from minor scrapes, bruises, muscle aches, sprains and strains,suitable for sport injury and first-aid.

  https://therugbystore.com.au/ice-bags-for-injury-and-rehabilitation-review-2/?feed_id=10141&_unique_id=64e7ac36ad597 Ice Bags for Injury and Rehabilitation Review

Why do we use Compression socks for sport

Sports Compression socks Compression socks and also stockings are developed for compression treatment. They use mild stress to your legs and also ankle joints, advertising blood circulation from your legs to your heart. Perfect for sporting activities wear, helps in minimizing the blood merging that typically happens throughout rugby and also various other sporting activities, […]


Sports Compression socks

Compression socks and also stockings are developed for compression treatment. They use mild stress to your legs and also ankle joints, advertising blood circulation from your legs to your heart. Perfect for sporting activities wear, helps in minimizing the blood merging that typically happens throughout rugby and also various other sporting activities, at the exact same time advertising blood circulation enabling the body to profit

Compression Socks for Rugby

Benefits of compression socks

Your compression socks will certainly:

  • improve flow in your legs night up the blood circulation as well as blood circulation aiding in the elimination of lactic acid
  • stop blood from merging in your leg capillaries
  • lessen leg swelling
  • decrease orthostatic hypotension, which triggers impaired thinking or unsteadiness when you stand
  • avoid advancement of deep blood vessel apoplexy in your legs
  • reverse venous high blood pressure
  • enhance lymphatic drain

Compression Socks for Rugby

Description of our Compressions socks for rugby ERGONOMIC FIT & TRUE GRADUATED COMPRESSION-safeguard from aches, decrease leg swelling & tiredness, boost blood flow & muscular tissue recuperation;

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maintain your skin healthy and balanced, avoid from odours & & allergic reactions;


  https://therugbystore.com.au/why-do-we-use-compression-socks-for-sport-2/?feed_id=10061&_unique_id=64e26637376fa Why do we use Compression socks for sport


Top Class Rugby Boot Reviews Considering all these factors, rugby boots tend to run a little more expensive than most rugby footwear, so it’s important to make the best-educated choice before purchasing. The price tag can be a hassle for some people, however, you might find that you can just as easily get away with […]

Top Class Rugby Boot Reviews

Considering all these factors, rugby boots tend to run a little more expensive than most rugby footwear, so it’s important to make the best-educated choice before purchasing. The price tag can be a hassle for some people, however, you might find that you can just as easily get away with older models that provide good quality and performance without too much of a spend. Whichever of the boots from our top 10 list you choose, you can rest assured that you will be getting a high-quality pair of rugby boots that will keep you safe while allowing you to make the best of your playing abilities.


IN DEPTH REVIEW TOP Class Rugby Boots 

Canterbury Stampede 2.0 SG

Adidas Kakari Force SG

Adidas Malice Control SG

Mizuno Monarcida Neo Rugby SI

Canterbury Men’s Phoenix Raze SG Rugby Boot


There is nothing that can stand in the way of the Canterbury Stampede 2.0 rugby cleats. This design is built for power and explosiveness, and you will love its performance features. It is constructed on a PowerLast that has a wide fit in the forefoot for comfort and has that well-known Canterbury heel raise which reduces strain on your legs. Built for soft ground, the Stampede 2.0 comes with 8 studs with bonus TPU traction.

The upper of the Stampede 2.0 cleats is made from synthetic PU for durability, and the toe box of this option is reinforced for strength. The collar is padded with 10mm foam for added comfort, and the wide fit will be a welcome change to standard footwear of this kind. The heel raise is at 8mm, putting you in a power position on the field, and the additional TPU we mentioned in the studs is there for even more power than you can possibly imagine.

The Canterbury Stampede 2.0 rugby cleats are the one design that you shouldn’t mess with. If you’re the type of player who needs more from their boots, who likes to be strong and uncompromising on the field, then you need footwear to match, and the Stampede 2.0 is definitely it.



Right alongside Nike, there is Adidas, another powerhouse in the world of sports footwear. The Kakari Force SG rugby cleats is a design specifically created for tight five players on soft ground. It has a very precise configuration of studs, as well as a raised heel which helps you push forward. The lockdown on these rugby boots is amazing, and you can trust that its comfort levels will be up to par, as well. As the brand says, conquer the scrum in the Kakari Force!

The upper of this option is made from premium leather, and there is a synthetic lining as well as a sock-like design for security. The studs are positioned to provide you with customized traction on a soft ground outsole, and you would do well to tighten them correctly before the game. The heel raise is 10mm, to ensure the dynamic of your movements. Of course, to round up the design there is a lace-up system with which you can easily adjust the fit to your liking.

The Adidas Kakari Force SG is made according to all the standards set by World Rugby, and you can be sure that they are the best of the best currently on the market. Once you invest in these bad boys, you will not look back ever again. So what are you waiting for? Go get your new groundbreaking shoes!


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The Adidas Malice Control rugby boots are designed to be the support a backline player needs. It is lightweight and breathable thanks to its synthetic mesh upper, and it has a hybrid combination of studs with molded placements in between. What sets apart the Malice from other designs of its kind is the fact that it has an asymmetrical lacing system which both looks cool and has a purpose in the game.

The Malice rugby cleats will keep your feet cool and sweat-free thanks to its porous mesh upper. The lacing closure we touched on is conceived in such a way that there is a large spot left on top of the boot so you can strike the ball without any problems. The hybrid studs mean that there are four low profile aluminum ones in the front, as well as two aluminum ones in the back. They’re divided by these placements that increase control as you run.

Overall, the Adidas Malice Control is one tough design meant for soft ground play. It offers you greater control of your movements, of the ball and consequently of the game itself, and if you are the type of player who is all about that precision and power dynamic, you will love every second you play in these sneakers!


Mizuno Monarcida Neo Rugby SI

The Mizuno Monarcida Neo Rugby SI, Is a Unisex Kids Rugby boot, Black/Black, and this could be a limited model of the cleat, great for soccer and rugby alike. It boasts of a barefoot feel, keeping it soft and lightweight with kangaroo leather uppers. This particular model is made in Japan, so make sure to check sizes before you order. Its technical plate allows for flexibility, enhanced stability, and durability, and is particularly suited for firm ground fields. Weighing in at only 8.1oz, it’s sure to catch your eye for an assessment.

A graded Pebax sole plate rests at the base of the Mizuno Monarcida Neo Rugby SI cleats, which not only provides enhanced support and stability but allows for the flexibility needed by wingers for quick maneuvering and dodging tackles. The plate helps with quick sprints by providing a firm base to press against for explosive power and provides durability overall to the integrity of the cleat.

Designed for firm ground, 13 PU studs line the sole in specific positions to better help alleviate pressure points. Soft kangaroo leather creates the soft supple uppers of the Morelia II, giving it a great in-shoe feel, but also making it quick and functional in terms of ball handling. For soccer, this is ideal, but for rugby, kickers will appreciate the sense of touch more so than other positioned players. A tongue overlays lace-up closure so you won’t be catching your cleats in knots!

The Mizuno Monarcida Neo Rugby SI is designed for advanced players who enjoy a barefoot feel for grip and the soft touch feel of kangaroo leather uppers. Perfectly positioned cleats alleviate pressure points during play, and the Pebax sole plate gives the performance an upgrade in flexibility, durability, and stability. Well worth the investment if you’re a long time rugby specialist!


Canterbury Men’s Phoenix Raze SG Rugby Boot, 

When you’re on the pitch, you need a rugby boot that can adapt and the Canterbury Phoenix Raze SG is built for it.

Designed for forwards who enjoy an extra level of comfort and stability in their footwear these soft ground rugby boots in Canterbury’s classic black and red colours will keep your feet comfortable game after game Built for adaptability across the pitch these boots are for soft ground play on natural grass surfaces that are wet and muddy and require the most traction

These rugby boots are comfortable and supportive they have a durable PU upper and a heavily cushioned ankle collar offering a tight and snug fit for wider feet without being uncomfortable

They come with a 9mm heel-to-toe heel raise reduces strain to your lower limbs and helps to position your foot for maximum power and drive on the pitch Moulded studs plus 8 removable metal studs mean these boots provide grip even in the depths of Winter giving you the power and lightweight agility you need to reach the breakdown first

Designed with a durable PU upper and a heavily cushioned ankle collar for maximum wearer comfort, it’s engineered on Canterbury’s game-changing Power Last 1.1, which offers a more comfortable wider forefoot and a locked in toe box and collar.

An 9 mm heel raise reduces lower limb strain and promotes a power position, whilst a hybrid outsole with eight removable TPU studs gives you the traction you need when the going gets soft.

  • 8mm foam cushioning in collar for comfort
  • Wide-fitting forefoot shaping
  • Hybrid 8 plate outsole provides lightweight traction

  https://therugbystore.com.au/the-best-rugby-boots-for-2022-2/?feed_id=8931&_unique_id=64c6b3330566a THE BEST RUGBY BOOTS FOR 2022

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